VTuber事務所「ホロライブプロダクション」傘下の英語圏VTuberグループ「hololive English -Myth-」で活動するVTuber。



特に日本語と英語を織り交ぜた独特の歌詞と卓越したラップスキルで多くの音楽ファンを魅了し、1st EP『DEAD BEATS』はiTunesアルバム総合チャート、デイリーチャート日米のiTunesHIPHOPチャートで1位。

2nd EP『Your Mori.』は日米のiTunesヒップホップチャート1位を獲得するなど、各ストリーミングチャートで軒並み1位に輝いた。


2022年に4月4日にユニバーサルミュージック EMI Recordsよりメジャーデビューが発表された。

2022年7月20日に1st EP『SHINIGAMI NOTE』をリリース、7月21日にはメジャーデビューを記念して行われる自身初のワンマンライブ『Mori Calliope Major Debut Concert「New Underworld Order」』が豊洲PITで行われる。

A VTuber from hololive English, a group of English-speaking VTubers under the VTuber agency “hololive production”.

As of March 2022, she has a total of 2 million cumulative subscribers on her YouTube channel.

Aside from her gaming live streams, she also engages herself with music productions by composing and writing lyrics for songs.

She is known for her superb rap skills and unique flows that feature a mix of English and Japanese, which has since captivated the hearts of many music lovers. She also has been taking the world by storm! Her first EP “DEAD BEATS” reached #1 on the iTunes Top Album Chart and iTunes Daily HIP-HOP Chart, in both Japan and the USA. Her second EP “Your Mori.” also reached #1 on the iTunes Daily HIP-HOP Chart in both Japan and the USA. Her 1st full album “UnAlive”, which was released on March 15, 2022, reached #1 on the iTunes and mora album charts.