

2023.01.23 TOPICS



今回初めて自身の作品をレコーディングすることとなったEP3部作は、「感情」をテーマとした<『EMOTIONALLY BLUE』『ORANGE』『PURPLE』>。各5曲で構成され、24時間の一日の満ち欠けを反映したものとなっている。

シングル「LOST」は、リスナーが提案した言葉を演奏してオリジナル曲を作るという、TikTokでの企画「play that word」で制作されたもので、2022年4月に楽曲の一部を投稿した動画は250万いいね、1,400万回再生を記録している。


Tony Ann「LOST」



*long message warning 😅… so today is a pretty special day for me because it’s the first time I’m releasing a song under my own name. Took many many many years just to get here and I know I still have a long way to go to reach where I want but I would not change any part of this journey. This first song “LOST” is very special to me because I wrote it last year in a very dark time and it was during a time when I indeed was feeling very ‘lost’. But honestly I believe it was because of how I was feeling that inspired me to write a song like this. Every time I play it, it takes me back to those moments as I was writing it and how I was feeling. But this is why I do music, to transfer real life emotions into melodies and harmony. It’s the purest form of art! Anyways I will use today to reflect and be thankful for all the special people and opportunities that have led me to today. I hope you all enjoy the music and as always, your continued support will always remain the most special gift to me. Thank you all so much and for all those asking, yes there will be many many many more songs coming out this year 💙

♬ LOST - Tony Ann

TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@tonyannn
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tonyannnn/
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YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@tonyannmusic



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  • http://www.riaj.or.jp/lmark/