
2015.12.03 TOPICS

Live Nation Japan運営のアリアナ・グランデ来日公演スペシャル・サイトにて下記が発表されましたので、ご案内させて頂きます。


2015年12月8日(火)、9日(水)にさいたまスーパーアリーナで開催を予定しておりましたアリアナ・グランデ 「ハネムーン・ツアー」来日公演について重要なお知らせです。

誠に遺憾ながらアーティスト都合のため、来週の8日(火)、9日(水)の来日公演開催については一旦中止せざる得ない状況となりました。またこれを受けて、オープニング・アクトのLittle Glee Monster出演も両日中止とさせて頂きます。



We regret to inform the Ariana fans who are coming to The Honeymoon Tour that the shows which are scheduled on Dec 8th and 9th at Saitama Super Arena will be cancelled. Ariana is deeply sorry about this and commented on her twitter “I’m so sad I won’t be able to make it abroad this December but I can’t wait to see u & reschedule for next year. i love you so much.” We would like to thank you all once again for your continuous support to Ariana Grande.


アリアナ・グランデ「ハネムーン・ツアー」スタッフ一同 2015年12月3日

Cancellation Notice for Ariana Grande The Honeymoon Tour Japan shows

To the ticketholders for the Honeymoon Tour held on Dec 8th and 9th at Saitama Super Arena,
We were reconfirming the fact that Ariana Grande tweeted her upcoming tour and unfortunately we have confirmed that the Honeymoon Tour Japan shows will need to be cancelled due to personal reasons. We will announce any rescheduled dates once confirmed. Please keep your tickets until details is announced.
We deeply apologize to you for this inconvenience.

Official announcement from management:
We regret to inform the Ariana fans who are coming to The Honeymoon Tour that the shows which are scheduled on Dec 8th and 9th at Saitama Super Arena will be cancelled. Ariana is deeply sorry about this and commented on her twitter “I’m so sad I won’t be able to make it abroad this December but I can’t wait to see u & reschedule for next year. i love you so much.” We would like to thank you all once again for your continuous support to Ariana Grande.